Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Perfect Picture

Cameras have come a long ways in today’s world. Before when they first came out, they were so big and bulky. Every camera owner on a family vacation would have the bulky camera hanging around their neck just waiting to capture a moment to remember forever. Later on as the cameras started getting smaller and smaller disposable cameras also came about. It was a huge deal to some people when cameras were small enough to fit into purses or even pockets.
Digital cameras came out and have been a hit ever since. They obviously come out with newer versions of them as fast as you can take a picture almost. It always seems like when you just buy the newest camera they come out with one that has just a few more megapixels. According to this article from msn.com digital cameras have pretty much maxed out the amount of megapixels they can have in each camera.
The Samsung DualView has a 1.5 inch LCD screen on the front of the camera as well as the traditional larger LCD screen on the back. This would be very handy if there were only two people that wanted to take a picture together. Instead of trying five hundred times to get the two of you centered in a picture, you would be able to tell right away from the front LCD screen. For some people that is the fun part of not knowing what the picture will look like when you hold the camera with your outstretched arms, and for those people they can either keep using the older versions of digital cameras or change the options on this camera.
Another option with the camera is to change the settings of the front LCD screen so it is of an animated cartoon. I think it is a brilliant idea, because sometimes getting a kid to smile while taking a picture is the hardest thing ever. Also, for those who do not want to see what the picture looks like while taking it themselves can just have this feature on. The front LCD screen will also show a countdown for the self-timer. What fun is that you say? I don’t know, I guess those families who just like to take the picture once and get it over with, instead of having someone try and dive into the picture would like that feature.
The back LCD screen has the feature of being a touch screen. Touch screen anything in technology seems to be the new in trend. I do not know how well I would like the touch screen, but maybe it is something a person just has to get used to. What do you think about having a LCD screen on the front of a camera?


  1. I think the LCD screen on the front of a camera is a great idea. In fact, I don't know why anyone hasn't thought of it earlier. I always do the outstreched arm photo with friends, and they never turn out that well. With a screen on the front, maybe I'd better be able to foresee what the photo's going to look like, and thus, get a better one. I also think it's cool to have the option of an animation on the front LCD screen, too.

    I have a touchscreen phone and iPod; I have no idea why I'm so appealed to a touchscreen, but I don't find them that difficult to work with. For me, they were easy to get used to. A touch screen isn't exactly a top quality I would look for in a new digital camera, though.

  2. That sounds very useful. I'm sure it would save a lot of tries when self-taking a picture of you and your friends (although I must say that the "mistakes" are quite fun to make and laugh over). I sort of like my camera I have right now, just a normal digital camera.
    I am so glad that cameras don't weigh a ton anymore. I like digital cameras, although I think that film cameras take nice, classy, old-fashioned pictures, too.

  3. Kelsi,

    I have a love/hate relationship with technological advancements. On one hand, how can you not love something that makes the products you use better? On the other hand, as soon as you purchase a big expensive camera, computer, etc., the next day there is a bigger, better one out there on the market. So of course your “new” item now looks like crap and you need to buy the better one right? It’s a vicious cycle. I have wanted to purchase a really good SLR camera (either Nikon or Canon) for a very long time now, but I keep putting if off because they are so expensive and I don’t want to waste it on something that is going to be replaced by something better in a short amount of time. I do love cameras though. They help us capture moments and remember them forever.

  4. Cameras have joined the world of computers and cell phones. The latest and greatest is showing up right around the corner every day and will continue along that path. It can become very difficult to keep up with the newest technology. About the time you think you are buying something great, you will want something else. It will be interesting to see how long it will take to get a digital camera that is actually high quality put into a cell phone.

  5. That sounds really cool. I like all the new effects they have on newer cameras. However, I still have my 5 megapixel 1.5 or so inch digital camera and I am really sick of it. I don't have the money to keep dishing out to buy a camera everytime a new fancy effect comes out. I think that the small screen on the front is a cool new idea but I think that I wouldn't get much use out of it.
