Monday, November 9, 2009

Online Gaming

Online games may seem like a complete waste of time to some people. It used to always be that adults would blame kids and teenagers for wasting time playing these online games. Now, adults are just as guilty for playing these online games. Even if they are married and have kids, they still cannot give up the games that give them entertainment.
Entertainment is a good reason to play these online games. I never used to play online games as much as I do now that I am in college. Playing online games can be a good stress reliever. After a long day at work or school, it is nice to come home and play Farkle or Bejeweled Blitz. There are many more different online games; those are just a couple that I play on Facebook. As bad as it is to admit, I do play these online games as a reason to procrastinate homework or things I do not want to do at that time. These games can be addicting at times too. You may say just one more game and you do that over and over again and before you know it, you are up until 3 am.
Online gaming is not always healthy, especially if you do not have self control. Self-control is a big deal because if you do not have this while playing online games, you will get sucked into them and may become addicted to them. People may not admit to becoming addicted to online games, but Farmville is a perfect example of people becoming addicting. Getting people addicted to the game has a lot to do with how well the game is set up and the point of it; also the interaction in the game. My roommate is addicted Farmville, she plants her crops at certain times so she is able to be available to harvest them. She plans on doing all of this farming around her work and class schedules.
The numbers of adults that still play online games did surprise me, because I thought that after people got married and had kids they would not have any time to sit around and play games. What are your thoughts about online gaming? Do you think you will still be playing them after you get married and have kids? If you play them now, do you think they are addicting and what are some benefits or drawbacks of online gaming?


  1. I know that if I did start playing these games, I probably would find myself procrastinating a lot more. Games like Bejeweled are very easy to get addicted to. I've never played Farmville, but I can imagine that one's pretty addicting too. I agree that self control is key in these games. It's easy to just play a couple games, but then all of a sudden, you're at the top of the score list and you just can't stop.

    To answer your questions, I don't think I'd have time for these games when I have children. If I did want something to do to unwind from a stressful day, though, a simple online game might be the trick. Some benefits are that they increase mental stimulation, especially if the games are challenging. Some drawbacks are that they are so addicting.

  2. I agree that online games are not all bad – I have been known to play a little sodoku or seekaword when I need a breather from stresses at work or school. The games that I have a problem with are those that encourage violence among society. That is not something that we need to encourage in our children. Encouraging them to play sodoku will help them with math and playing seekawords helps them with their reading and decoding skills.

    I do not think that I have an addiction to online games, as I get to play one every couple of weeks. However, I think it is totally possible for someone to have an addiction to online games. It is very easy to get sucked into that world of make believe.

  3. I have also witnessed Farmville addictions and people plan their life around when they can plant and harvest their crops. I agree that this is a strategic way that games like this keep their users coming back. I'm not much of an online gamer and I don't ever see that changing, especially if I get married and have kids. The drawbacks of gaming include wasting time, not being physically active, and not having face to face interaction. There are probably some benefits, but you have to look a lot harder for those.

  4. Kelsi -

    I don't think that online gaming is such a bad thing unless it interferes with your work and social lives. I'm not really addicted to any games such as Farkle or Farmville, but I know many people who are. They have certain times in which to plant their crops. I do play Wordscraper on Facebook which is exactly like Scrabble. I love playing, but I'm not addicted to it.

  5. I agree with your post. Games are a great way to relieve some stress and kill some time but they need to be played in moderation. I can't see myself quitting right now. Not that I couldn't if I wanted to, but if it's something that I enjoy so why should I stop? Benefits are of course relaxing and having something that I enjoy doing. Drawbacks to gaming are of course the addictive attributes. If you're not careful you can easily get sucked in and end up playing for hours. It's happened to me before, but as I've said so many times this week, you just need to try and take everything in moderation.

  6. Hello, my name is James, and I am a Farmtown/Farmville addict. Every night when I finish my homework and the kids are long in bed, I sign on to Facebook and about the only thing I do is check my farms. I plan which crops I am going to plant depending on what nights I have assignments due. I have to make sure I send gifts out to all of my neighbors and check for any lost or stray animals on Farmville. I have to admit, I am hooked but it is an easy way to wind down after a long and busy day.

  7. Kelsi,

    I definitely know what you mean when you say how addicting these games can be. It seems that whenever I’m on my computer I say it will just be for a half an hour or so, then 4 hours later I’m mad at myself because my homework isn’t done and my room is still messy. Nothing I want to do ever gets done and I blame my computer (or rather my lack of will power to stay away from my computer). I admit that I have play Bejeweled in the past, but not since I’ve come to college. I have however noticed that my sister and her boyfriend who are both in their late thirties, have become extremely addicted to Bejeweled Blitz. I make fun of them and find it really funny that these two people who never used to stay up past twelve at night, are now up until two or three playing a game on the internet.
