Monday, November 23, 2009

Oprah's Show Coming to an End

Oprah Winfrey is a very successful woman and has millions of fans that look up to her. She recently stated that she is going to be done with The Oprah Show in 2011. The last show will be aired September 9, 20011. She feels that after 25 years of doing her show, it will be a good time to be done. The show has consumed most of her time and pretty much has been her life for the past 25 years. According to Reel Empire, Oprah has not watched a season episode of hers yet and does not plan to even up to her last show.
Oprah’s friend Gayle King speaks out in this video about Oprah’s show coming to an end. – video link. She speaks out about how she thinks the society as a whole really doesn’t realize how much of an impact Oprah’s show ending is going to have on a whole society. She knew the announcement was coming before anyone and even when she heard it; it was still a big shock. It will be even more of a shock when it actually really happens and is done. According to Gayle, Oprah may be quitting the show, but she is not going to be totally riding off into the sunset and quitting everything cold turkey. She also shares how she is a hard worker and very energetic. She said after Oprah is on vacation for about three days, she is ready to go back to work so it should be interesting to see how she does with all the time off after she is done with the show.
According to the press room of Oprah’s show, Oprah’s program reaches about 42 million viewers each week in the United States. I don’t know about anyone else, but that is a lot of people she is touching. I remember Oprah ever since I can remember and that is probably because her show started just a year before I was born, which was 1986. She was the first African American to have her own talk show and she was very successful at it. She has more money than she could ever spend in her entire life. She donates a lot of it to different charities and gives her audience gifts on the show. She is a very considerate and caring person.
What are your thoughts about the Oprah show ending? Do you think it will have a big impact on society? If so, how?


  1. This is a weird concept: Oprah leaving her show? Whenever someone talks about Oprah, they are most likely thinking or referring to her show.

    I don't watch the show, but I think that it will be weird to not have it on anymore. It's so fun to poke fun at. :)

    There are Oprah followers who will definitely take this as a big loss, but life will go on. There will be other hosts and I'm sure Oprah won't stop doing everything she does just because she doesn't do her show anymore.

  2. Oprah's talk show is everything. It is her life. I can see numerous show lovers to mourn, and I even see her going through withdrawal, since she has been doing this show for almost half of her life. She is such a trusted source, and such an influential person. She is a role model for everyone. The positive that can come from this is that she will have time to experience and try other things. I do not see her just disappearing. Also it will create an opportunity for some other influential person to start a new beginning and maybe take up after her.

  3. In previous years I would have thought that this would never have happened yet so many things have changed for Oprah. She has a magazine, a production company and last year took sides in the political arena. Normally those in the media do not make a selection / personal preferences known it gives the perception of being biased.

    So she must have know for some time that she was putting a talk show on a shelf and beginning a new phase in her career. I would guess that the new network she is creating will have plenty of Oprahesque shows so I don’t think people will have to go through O-withdraw.

  4. I've never watched Oprah, but I know how influential she's been and how much people will miss her show. I'm sure Oprah herself will miss her show. It's probably time, though, for Oprah to do something else and maybe inspire others to create their own talk shows.

  5. Kelsi,

    I heard about this on the radio the other day. I don’t even watch the Oprah show- never have- and it even made me a little sad. Even though I didn’t watch this show, or really pay any attention to any part of the Oprah franchise, this still affected me in a small way. I wonder how her fans feel about it? It would be incredibly difficult to give something up that you have built from scratch and that has been so successful. On one hand it’s nice that she’s going out while she’s still on top so to speak, but I bet it’s still incredibly hard to let go.
