Tuesday, August 25, 2009

facebook issues

Facebook is a social networking site that gives you a way to keep in touch with friends and family. You can also meet new people through it. There are so many opportunities while using facebook, such as joining groups, sharing photos, and even selling items you no longer want. Facebook can be overwhelming at first with all of the different applications so here is a video explaining how to use facebook. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M5gtN16gOr8.
The number one thing to remember while using this application is to watch what and how much information you are putting on your site. It is a great tool if used correctly and not taken advantage of by others. Unfortunately, there are creeps out in the world that will “stalk” people if they have a lot of information on their profiles.
Another problem while using facebook is all of the pictures that get posted. This is a big problem with high school and college kids, and also some adults. Obviously, if you do not want a picture of you on facebook doing it, you probably shouldn’t be doing it, such as drinking or drugs. So many people get in trouble by having those types of pictures up. In the job market, you definitely do not want those pictures up while searching for a job. Even if you control who sees your facebook profile. Just like word of mouth gets around so do pictures and other information on from the web.
Kids and adults these days are suing facebook for privacy issues, such as sharing information that they put on their profiles. The web has been around long enough now; that everyone should know that nothing put out on the web is completely safe. So I do not recommend anyone putting their whole life stories in blogs or every move they make on their statuses. In this website, it is an article about the most recent lawsuits against facebook. It is sad that a networking site cannot totally be trusted, but you are the only one who is responsible for putting out your own information. Unless you have others who are trying to blackmail and get you into trouble, then you have a whole different issue to deal with. So just remember, think twice about what you put on your profile!