Monday, November 30, 2009

Are Gadgets Making us Dumber?

Today we have millions of gadgets that never existed before. The real question is, are these gadgets making us dumber? There can be arguments going both ways for this topic, because it is hard to prove. Many say that new gadgets and technology are making us dumber and others say it enhances what we already know.
A good point that is made in this video, is that we do not have to remember things as much with gadgets. Our cell phones save all of our phone numbers so we do not have to ever remember them. They have speed dial so instead of us dialing the number over and over and having any chance of remembering the numbers, we only have to hit one button. If we can access everything every time, then why is there a reason to take a lot of time and learn everything when it is right at our finger tips on search engines. Also, there are a lot of people out in the world who could not do long division if you just walked up to them and asked them. This is because we depend on calculators so much. I know I depend on calculators a lot, because I was never real good at math, so as long as I got through the classes I could I was good to go without a calculator later on in life.
Another good point brought up in the video is that the term of smart is going to have to change soon. All of the gadgets today helping us, the meaning of smart may change by either gaining knowledge of the use of technology or losing it and just relying on it.
Growing up with technology growing so fast may have a good effect to some people. It may help people be multi-taskers and exercise their brain. The downfall of being so into technology and gadgets may be that social intelligence may be lacking a little. When people are always using computers, cell phones, and social networking sites to socialize may be harmful later in life with socialization. Kids that grow up with all of those gadgets and never socialized personally may have a difficult time meeting new people and that may cause them to be an outcast, which could cause other problems like them getting into drugs or other illegal activities to fit in. I know that seems a little extreme, but it could happen.


  1. Very insightful blog! I didn't even think of all the gadgets that I depend on because they've been around since as long as I can remember like calculators. I definitely depend on calculators, and at work (I'm a waitress at a restaurant) we rely on calculators all the time! If someone else is at the till, I can add or divide the ticket in my head, but I still would rather use a calculator.

    I also think that kids who grew up using cell phones and computers to communicate with friends might have difficulty socializing face-to-face. I remember when I thought it was difficult to talk to my friends on the internet. I didn't know how to word things, and I always made sure I used the "cool" lingo and abbreviations. Now, I have to admit, it sometimes seems easier to talk to someone online rather than in person especially when dealing with confrontation.

  2. My husband totally relies on his phone for his numbers. I feel like I can dial it faster than I can look it up, so mostly I remember the numbers I call most often. It is very handy, however, to have the less often called numbers stored in my phone so I don't have to go find a phone book.

  3. I think there is a pretty good argument out there for the fact that all of these gadgets have made us dumber. I especially agree with your point about the search engines. People who have a question about something will automatically go check Google rather than trying to remember it. We will put these facts into our short-term memory, but only in a few cases will it make us more educated in the long run. Our gadgets are nice, but our brains may be better off without them.

  4. Kelsi -

    I do feel that gadgets kind of take over our lives in a way. I notice it especially with younger kids getting cell phones when they are in junior high or earlier. I didn't get a cell phone until I was in high school, and it didn't hurt me before not having one. I do admit that I don't remember numbers well at all, even my boyfriend's number! I could not repeat a number except for my parents' and family's numbers. That's it! In the future, I think that kids and adults as well will become more dependent on gadgets for everything, from directions on the road to the calculator to who knows what else!
